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Streamline Your Organic Sample Extractions

January 27, 2025

Sample Extractions for Organic Analyses have always been a prerequisite prior to analysis.

Accredited testing labs such as yours can use a variety of techniques, many of them traditional, slow and very labour intensive.  Microwave extraction has been available for several decades, however no manufacturer truly attempted meet your specific needs.

In consultation with experts in your field we have developed Milestone ETHOS X with a new fastEX-24 rotor to specifically address the challenges of today’s environmental laboratories.

The Milestone ETHOS X microwave lab station in combination with our fastEX-24 rotor offers your lab simultaneous extraction of 24 samples in 40 minutes with minimal solvent usage.

Our unique WeflonTM material provides homogeneous heating and facilitates accurate contact-less temperature monitoring of all vessels. Each vessel holds 100 mL disposable vials allowing you to extract 30 g samples while eliminating memory effects and clean up.

The benefit:
Higher throughput and easier handling results in both reduced cost and turnaround time for your lab.