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Sample Preparation - Organic Products

We offer a vast range of premium sample preparation instruments including:

Cutting equipment, Cell disruption, Grinding and Homogenizing equipment, Mixing and Milling equipment with Cryogenic options, and Pulverizers.

Distillation instruments for Nitrogen, Protein, Phenol, Dietary Fiber/ Raw Fiber Extractors, Fat Extraction and Filtration devices, Kjeldahl Digestion Systems and Acid Hydrolysis Units, Systems for Microwave based Extraction and Synthesis.

Also available are automated GPC, Evaporation and SPE systems designed exclusively for Environmental sample pre-treatment and clean up prior to GC/ GC-MS analysis. AOAC and EPA method 3640 cite GPC and Evaporation techniques.

A wide range of methods comply with AOAC , ISO, USP 233, USP 2232 and EPA methods 3015A, 3051A, 3052 along with 3546. As well, ASTM E1645-01, ASTM D5513-99, ASTM D4309-96 and ASTM E1741-00 can also be met along with guidelines according to Weende, NDF/ADF and Van Soest.

Cannabis Testing & Analysis

Cannabis Testing & Analysis

Thomas Scientific | Sample Preparation - Organic, Cannabis Testing, Testing and Analysis

Supporting the Cannabis Community Offering a full array of supplies, chemicals and safety equipment! Thomas Scientific is a fourth generation, 3rd largest, fastest growing scientific supplier that is excited to support the Cannabis commun…

Ethos X Environmental Microwave Extraction System

Ethos X Environmental Microwave Extraction System

Milestone Inc | Sample Preparation - Organic

Streamlining Environmental Lab Workflows with the Milestone ETHOS X Your feedback has driven the evolution of the Milestone ETHOS X, now equipped with the revolutionary fastEX-24 rotor. Designed to meet…

FitoClima Bio Chambers

FitoClima Bio Chambers

aralab | Sample Preparation - Organic, Cannabis Testing

FITOCLIMA PLANT GROWTH RESEARCH ‘REACH-IN’ENVIRONMENTAL CHAMBERS The FitoClima Bio chambers provide the control and flexibility to meet the evolving needs of researchers and research requirements through time. Only the highest quali…

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ASX‑560 Autosampler

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ASX‑560 Autosampler

Teledyne LABS | Chromatography, Sample Preparation - Inorganic, Sample Preparation - Organic

See why users call Teledyne CETAC Autosamplers the best on the market. Put the most reliable, longest-lasting autosampler to work in your lab for the seemingly endless demands of sample analyses. Whether your lab is small, mid-sized, or ver…

APS-7450V Volumetric Sample Prep Station

APS-7450V Volumetric Sample Prep Station

Teledyne LABS | Sample Preparation - Organic, Chemical Identification

The APS-7450V is made to keep pace with the increased speed of wear metals labs, where analysis time is often shorter than 30 seconds per sample, by simply and quickly handling the dilution step in less time. Maintain sample integrity: A d…

APS-7650G Gravimetric Sample Prep Station

APS-7650G Gravimetric Sample Prep Station

Teledyne LABS | Sample Preparation - Organic, Chemical Identification

Automate ASTM D5185 and ASTM D4951 with the APS-7650G Gravimetric Sample Prep Station Integrated pipettor for zero carryover Import/export sample information User friendly OilEase™ software Dilution range 10-100x Sample viscosi…

ASTM D1160 Vacuum Distillation

ASTM D1160 Vacuum Distillation

DC Scientific | Sample Preparation - Organic

/uploads/FOLIO%20PR%20-%20PAC.pdfThe B/R D1160 Vacuum Distillation Instrument is an easy to use apparatus for the distillation of petroleum products. More Mining Application Note Data sheet

ASX‑280 Compact Autosampler

ASX‑280 Compact Autosampler

Teledyne LABS | Chromatography, Ion Analysis/Colorimetry, Sample Preparation - Inorganic

More features and improved performance define the next generation of autosampler from Teledyne CETAC Technologies. The compact ASX-280 Autosampler builds upon the reliability of its predecessors with latest generation electronics, improved…

Atomx XYZ VOC Sample Prep System

Atomx XYZ VOC Sample Prep System

Teledyne LABS | Sample Preparation - Inorganic, Sample Preparation - Organic

The Atomx XYZ is the second generation combined soil/water autosampler and purge and trap concentrator system in the Tekmar VOC product family. It is the only instrument of its kind to employ a unique automated methanol extraction feature f…

BM-200 Mixer/Mill®, Mini (SPEX #5120)

BM-200 Mixer/Mill®, Mini (SPEX #5120)

Cole-Parmer SamplePrep | Sample Preparation - Inorganic, Sample Preparation - Organic

The The BM-200 Mixer/Mill, Mini (SPEX #5120) is ideal for pulverizing the toughest rocks, mineral, cement, and ceramics; rapidly reducing samples to analytical fineness; blending powders; and making emulsions. Finely grinding the sample in…