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Sample Preparation - Inorganic Products

We offer a vast range of premium sample preparation instruments including:

Crushers and Cutting equipment, Grinding and Homogenizing equipment, Mixing and Milling equipment with Cryogenic options, and Pulverizers.

Distillation instruments for Cyanide, Nitrogen, Sulfides, Kjeldahl Digestion Systems.

Also available are systems for Microwave based Digestion.

A wide range of methods comply with AOAC , ISO, USP 233, USP 2232 and EPA methods 3015A, 3051A, 3052 along with 3546. As well, ASTM E1645-01, ASTM D5513-99, ASTM D4309-96 and ASTM E1741-00.



Microtrac MRB | Sample Preparation - Inorganic, Surface Area and Pore Size, Density

BELPYCNO L is a fully automated gas pycnometer for the determination of volume and skeleton density of powders, granulates, porous materials, mixtures, pastes and liquids. The combination of an internal temperature control and an absolute…



Milestone Inc | Sample Preparation - Inorganic

Sample preparation is a central part of elemental analysis and includes several manual and time consuming steps. Sample weighing, reagent addition, vessel handling, dilution, and cleaning areall processes that impact lab workflow and operat…

Ethos XL - Superior Live Terpene Extraction

Ethos XL - Superior Live Terpene Extraction

Milestone Inc | Sample Preparation - Inorganic, Cannabis Testing

Superior Live Terpene ExtractionMilestone's ETHOS XL microwave extraction solutions enable you to efficiently extract live terpenes, free from the limitations of more traditional approaches. The new ETHOS XL from Milestone is designed to d…

Mixer Mill MM 500 VARIO

Mixer Mill MM 500 VARIO

Retsch | Sample Preparation - Inorganic, Materials Processing, Cell Disruption

PROCESSING 2 TO 50 SAMPLES IN ONE BATCH The new Mixer Mill MM 500 vario is a versatile bench-top unit which provides ultimate performance with maximum flexibility for your sample preparation process. It is used for dry, wet and cryog…

SDX High Performance Liquid Dilution System

SDX High Performance Liquid Dilution System

Teledyne LABS | Sample Preparation - Inorganic

An innovative spin on proven technology The SDX​HPLDis a simple, straight-forward automated dilution system based on the robust, industry-standard ASX-560 autosampler. It dilutes in the same way you do by hand: volume-to-volume dilution,…

Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 300

Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 300

Retsch | Sample Preparation - Inorganic, Cannabis Testing

The latest model ZM 300 comprises the essence of German engineering expertise combined with high-quality materials and latest software technology. The powerful Ultra Centrifugal Mill ZM 300 provides maximum grinding performance combined wit…

ultraWAVE 3

ultraWAVE 3

Milestone Inc | Sample Preparation - Inorganic

Single Reaction Chamber Technology The new ultraWAVE 3 is the latest generation of SRC technology that further elevates the value of this technology for elemental analysis in terms of performance, time, workflow, and cost of ownership. Up…

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ASX‑560 Autosampler

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ASX‑560 Autosampler

Teledyne LABS | Chromatography, Sample Preparation - Inorganic, Sample Preparation - Organic

See why users call Teledyne CETAC Autosamplers the best on the market. Put the most reliable, longest-lasting autosampler to work in your lab for the seemingly endless demands of sample analyses. Whether your lab is small, mid-sized, or ver…

Acid Purification System duoPur/subCLEAN

Acid Purification System duoPur/subCLEAN

Milestone Inc | Sample Preparation - Inorganic

Think Pure High-purity acids are critical to controlling the analytical blank, the "Achilles heel" of trace metals analysis. Once acid bottles are opened, you cannot always rely on commercially produced high-purity acids to remain free o…

ASX‑280 Compact Autosampler

ASX‑280 Compact Autosampler

Teledyne LABS | Chromatography, Ion Analysis/Colorimetry, Sample Preparation - Inorganic

More features and improved performance define the next generation of autosampler from Teledyne CETAC Technologies. The compact ASX-280 Autosampler builds upon the reliability of its predecessors with latest generation electronics, improved…