DEENA 3 Metals Digestion System
SEAL Analytical | Sample Preparation - Inorganic
TheDEENA 3is manufactured by SEAL Analytical (Thomas Cain brand in Asia). SEAL Analytical manufactures automated chemical addition, sample preparation and digestion systems used in the analysis of mercury and metals in environmental laboratories. With a SEAL Analytical system you not only automate the steps involved in sample preparation you also eliminate the manual dispensing of corrosive acids and other dangerous reagents.
New!72 position with50ml vials, heat to 300oC, carbon fiberarms, corrosion resistant, accurate fill to volume, USB connection, bluetooth compatible, internal air purge.
DEENA 3is asample digestion systemthat fully automates the digestion process ensuring each sample is treated exactly the same, safeguarding against human error.
DEENA 3will:
- Accuratelydispensesmall volumes of reagents into sample tubes
- Mixthoroughly
- Applyheat
- Fill to volumeafter digestion is completed
DEENA3Digestion System Advantages
- Safer digestions with the elimination of manual dispensing of corrosive acid and other dangerous reagents
- Small footprint, allows bench top placement and saves fume hood space
- Automates the digestion process and frees up laboratory personnel
- Reliable and repeatable automation with every sample treated exactly the same
- No cross contamination
- No direct contact with sample or vial
- Even heating of every sample
- Time saving features such as overnight digestions and standby "warm" feature to rapidly bring samples up to digestion temperature
- Suitable for EPA approved methods
- Durable- constructed to reliably run in the harsh digestion environment it operates in
- Real-time reporting and sample tracking
- Intuitive & completely customizable software
- Commonly used methods are pre-loaded
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