High Shear and Pressure Pilot / Production Fluid Processor M-110EH-30
Microfluidics | Materials Processing
The M-110EH-30 is a mobile high shear fluid processor which achieves continuous operating pressures to 30,000 psi (2069 bar).
Key Features and Specifications
- Process pressure to 30,000 psi (2,070 bar)
- Flow rates to 330 ml/min at 30,000 psi (2070 bar)
- Flow rates to 450 ml/min at 25,000 psi (1725 bar)
- Guaranteed scaleup to pilot and/or production
- Patented, wear resistant, diamond interaction chamber - no moving parts
- On-board heat exchanger for consistent discharge product temperature
- Ceramic (Zirconia) plunger for extended seal life
- Designed for clean-in-place with no disassembly required
- Available with steam-in-place (SIP) option
- Available explosion-proof option
- CE compliant (Europe)
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