Laboratory Instrumentation and Supplies
3626 Manual/Press (SPEX 3626) 12-Ton Manual Press Carver
Cole-Parmer SamplePrep | Sample Preparation - Inorganic
Bench top 12-ton (10.9 metric ton) Carver® hydraulic laboratory pellet press that accepts 13 mm pellet die sets. Manually controlled. Ideal for pressing sample pellets for IR. CE Approved. Key Features and Specifications Accepts SPEX S…
AA100 Segment Flow Analyzer
SEAL Analytical | Ion Analysis/Colorimetry
The compact dual channel AA100 auto analyzer is the ideal chemistry analyzer for laboratories running only 1 or 2 dedicated chemistries. Like the bigger AA3 HR AutoAnalyzer it is designed specifically for environmental and industrial test…
AA500 Segmented Flow Analyzer
SEAL Analytical | Ion Analysis/Colorimetry
The AA500 is the top-of-the-line AutoAnalyzer incorporating the latest innovations to deliver your laboratory the freedom of total automation while achieving very high precision and the lowest detections levels. The AA500 is the AutoAnaly…
Acid Purification System duoPur/subCLEAN
Milestone Inc | Sample Preparation - Inorganic
Think Pure High-purity acids are critical to controlling the analytical blank, the "Achilles heel" of trace metals analysis. Once acid bottles are opened, you cannot always rely on commercially produced high-purity acids to remain free o…
Acoustic and Electroacoustic Spectrometer DT 1202
Dispersion Technology | Material Characterization, Particle Size Analysis
DT are experts in instruments designed for performing particle size and zeta potential for characterizing concentrated dispersions, emulsions, liquids. The DT 1202 is one of many products that we supply. Key Features and Specifications…
Aerotrac II Particle Size Analyzer
Microtrac MRB | Particle Size Analysis
The AEROTRAC II is an analyzer for particle size distributions & concentration ratio analysis (calculated from transmitted laser light) for suspended particulates in air such as atomized droplets, powders, spray particles, mist and et…
Air Jet Sieving Machine AS 200
Retsch | Particle Size Analysis
The new Air Jet Sieve AS 200 jet is particularly suitable for sieve cuts of powdered materials which require efficient dispersion and desagglomeration. The option to store up to 10 SOPs and the automatic vacuum regulator (accessory) guara…
APS-7450V Volumetric Sample Prep Station
Teledyne LABS | Sample Preparation - Organic, Chemical Identification
The APS-7450V is made to keep pace with the increased speed of wear metals labs, where analysis time is often shorter than 30 seconds per sample, by simply and quickly handling the dilution step in less time. Maintain sample integrity: A d…
APS-7650G Gravimetric Sample Prep Station
Teledyne LABS | Sample Preparation - Organic, Chemical Identification
Automate ASTM D5185 and ASTM D4951 with the APS-7650G Gravimetric Sample Prep Station Integrated pipettor for zero carryover Import/export sample information User friendly OilEase™ software Dilution range 10-100x Sample viscosi…
AQ300 Discrete Analyzer
SEAL Analytical | Ion Analysis/Colorimetry
The AQ300 is a low cost flexible analyzer that uses the principle of discrete analysis where each test occurs in a separateor discrete reaction vessel. The AQ300 robotic sampling arm works in conjunction with a stepper motor-driven syringe…
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