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Laboratory Instrumentation and Supplies

BELPORE Mercury Porosimeter Series

BELPORE Mercury Porosimeter Series

Microtrac MRB | Surface Area and Pore Size, Testing and Analysis

The BELPORE mercury porosimeter series for low-pressure (LP), medium-pressure (MP) and high-pressure (HP) reliably and reproducibly measures pore diameters from 1mm to 3.6nm. The knowledge of porosity, pore sizes and pore volume is of fu…



Microtrac MRB | Surface Area and Pore Size

The BELSORP HP analyzer is used for high-pressure adsorption measurement.The importance of high-pressure adsorption measurement is growing in various application fields like hydrogen or methane storage, pressure swing adsorption (PSA), CO…

Bio Safety Cabinets

Bio Safety Cabinets

CSI Canadian Scientific Lab Systems

We offer Labconco bio safety cabinets and enlcosures appropriate for all biosafety level environments. Designed to bring you the greatest safety, comfort and efficiency. Contact ATS for a referral and exclusive discount code!

BioDis RRT 10

BioDis RRT 10


With the ERWEKA RRT 10, automatic dissolution testing of different extended and sustained release dosage forms has become easier than ever before. This unit is perfectly suited for simulating the pH-changes within the human body. By placi…

Bluewave Particle Size Analyzer

Bluewave Particle Size Analyzer

Microtrac MRB | Particle Size Analysis

Microtrac MRB’s Bluewave provides accurate, reliable, and repeatable particle size analysis for a diverse range of applications by utilizing the proven theory of Mie compensation for spherical particles and the proprietary principle…

BM-200 Mixer/Mill®, Mini (SPEX #5120)

BM-200 Mixer/Mill®, Mini (SPEX #5120)

Cole-Parmer SamplePrep | Sample Preparation - Inorganic, Sample Preparation - Organic

The The BM-200 Mixer/Mill, Mini (SPEX #5120) is ideal for pulverizing the toughest rocks, mineral, cement, and ceramics; rapidly reducing samples to analytical fineness; blending powders; and making emulsions. Finely grinding the sample in…

BM-400 Mixer/Mill® (SPEX #8000M) - High-Energy Ball Mill

BM-400 Mixer/Mill® (SPEX #8000M) - High-Energy Ball Mill

Cole-Parmer SamplePrep | Sample Preparation - Inorganic

The BM-400 Mixer/Mill (SPEX #8000M), is a high-energy ball mill that grinds up to 0.2 - 10 grams of dry, brittle samples. The vial, which contains a sample and one or more balls, is shaken in a complex motion that combines back-and-forth sw…

BM-450 Mixer Mill Dual (SPEX #8000D)

BM-450 Mixer Mill Dual (SPEX #8000D)

Cole-Parmer SamplePrep | Sample Preparation - Inorganic

The BM-450 Mixer Mill Dual (SPEX #8000D) is a high-energy ball mill with dual clamps that accommodates sample sizes ranging from 0.2 - 10 grams. Ideal for grinding dry,brittle samples, mechanical alloying, slurry grinding, blending powders,…

Calibration Standards for Petroleum Products

Calibration Standards for Petroleum Products

ASI Standards | Spectroscopy

Analytical Services, Inc. specializes in custom formulation of multi-element standards in difficult matrices. They provide instrument calibration standards for the petroleum, lubricants, and polymer industries. Their instrument calibration…



Microtrac MRB | Image Analysis, Material Characterization, Particle Size Analysis

The CAMSIZER 3D particle analyzer combines all the advantages of dynamic image analysis (ISO 13322-2) in a completely redesigned measuring system, setting new standards in the characterization of bulk solids. Unique 3D Analysis: Thanks t…